Every online presence the school has, every written item you create, every notice and display around the school, sends out a message about the school.
We are a team of designers, website developers, marketing experts (and digital geeks) who specialise in working with schools to help them send out the right messages to everyone who is listening.
We're not your average agency – we work with independent consultants with experience of being past head teachers, and people with qualifications such as MAT and who have worked (at a high level) in LEA’s. We invest in this way to complement our own considerable experience of school marketing to ensure our approach is truly unique.
> Find out more about why we're different
From this unique level of experience, we are able to advise you on exactly what it is your school needs to deliver to an objective – be it ‘improved performance’, ‘greater intake’, etc. If this is approached in our school-centricTM way, this means you get a free independent review as a part of a project.
In turn this provides you with the security that you are doing the right thing, and indeed that you are spending precious budget on the correct services to meet your objectives, at the correct time.
It also provides a foundation against which your results can be benchmarked, allowing you and your stakeholders to see how effective every future pound spent on marketing really is.
As far as we’re aware this is a unique approach – EDHQ investing in this early stage to ensure you get the right results for your school.
Get in touch with Richard, Ian or Marc at EdHQ. Between us we have 60 years experience of working within education and delivering creative projects. Please call 0370 220 5909 or email hello@edhq.co.uk.